
Teachers' Salary Management

Search for teacher to input status of payment and track corresponding salary.

.btn-circle .btn-sm
.btn-circle .btn-lg
Other Staffs' Salary Management

Google and Facebook buttons are available featuring each company's respective brand color. They are used on the user login and registration pages.

You can create more custom buttons by adding a new color variable in the _variables.scss file and then using the Bootstrap button variant mixin to create a new style, as demonstrated in the _buttons.scss file.

.btn-google .btn-facebook
School Fees Management

Works with any button colors, just use the .btn-icon-split class and the markup in the examples below. The examples below also use the .text-white-50 helper class on the icons for additional styling, but it is not required.

Split Button Primary
Split Button Success
Split Button Info
Split Button Warning
Split Button Danger
Split Button Secondary
Split Button Light

Also works with small and large button classes!

Split Button Small
Split Button Large